Thursday, September 23, 2010


I love the fall! The colors, the smells, even the taste. I love that first day you notice a slight chill in the air and your heart does a little jump in excitement, you run to your closet to pull out that cashmere sweater that still smells of last years long walks. Perhaps my favorite thing about this years fall is the cold nights. Instead of all those years of waking up a little chilly and running to the closet to pull out a blanket, I get to roll over and whisper into the sexy man laying next to me, “Hey I’m cold can you warm me up”. There is nothing better than beating the cold with the warmth of love (In fact that’s the only reason, that as women, we agree to going on campouts).

Monolos vs.Gucci

The Small Things: Moments in Life that Bring a Smile to Your Face and Peace to Your Heart

Some call them “Endorphins” and others call them “Life’s Highs”, but either way you look at it they are still the Moments that make Life Bearable. This summer has been a weird one for me. I have felt feelings that I have never before experienced. It is simple to say that in the last 5 months my anger barrier has been broken. Instead of just “Getting Mad” I have hit “Boiling Point” There have been situations in which the “Old Tiffany” would have cracked a joke, brushed it off her shoulder, and moved on, but instead I sit pondering which shoe I could live without and if it has a strong enough heel that it would in fact fit snugly in someone’s rear-end. I am sad to think that in a small amount of time I have lost my cool. The question keeps pulling at me, “Have I lost sight of the Small Things?”
In college my mom gave me a notebook and told me to write down all the little things that make me happy. She told me that there would come a time when I would feel alone and weak and I would need that list to remind me of all the good things in life that awaited me. Tanning, Cheese Fries, Cosmopolitan Magazines, Dinner with Friends, Racing at Stop Lights, and things like it filled my list. My face beamed as I wrote my list and sure enough in hard times I always found myself pulling out that tattered piece of paper…and craving cheese fries!
Now that I am away from “Ground Zero” (For the safety of Companies and Peoples Rear-Ends, Names have been changed) I have realized how important these moments are. It only took 2 hours in the car driving away from “The Danger Zone” that I met face to face with one of my “Small Things”, Singing in the Car with my Future Hubby! At that moment, as I stared at my sexy, charming, Madonna-impersonating lover the hate, frustration, and anger just melted away.
Sunsets, Butterflies, Puppies, Taking Naps with Brice, Family, Queso Blanco with Chili at Applebees…all of these “Small Things” fill my new list. I know the hard times are not over, in fact there are worse times out there, but it doesn’t matter because life is not about the hard times or the emotional rollercoaster’s, it’s about all the moments you take a deep breath smile and say, “I can do this!” I challenge all of you to sit down and write your list because “The Little Things do go a Long Way!”