Monday, August 16, 2010

Success = How High You Jump when You’re At The Bottom…We Freakin’ Set a High Jump Record!

Apologies! Apologies! It has been well over 2 months and life has been CRAZY!!! I am sure all of you have been thinking…”What happened to Tiffany and Brice?”…okay I know we aren’t that important, but hey a girl can dream right?! Well, life in the Team Hooley home has had its up and a lot of downs, but I am happy to say that Brice and I are at a place in our life when we feel….well AMAZING!!! A lot of things have changed, but we both feel like they are changes for the better. The feeling of security and excitement have filled our body and we are looking forward to what else there is to offer!
My Birthday this year was a little CrAzY! Midnight came around and we Rang my Birthday in Loud and Clear…In a Movie Theatre, watching Eclipse! Brice is such a trooper, he came with me and endured the Team Jacob and Team Edward madness (Oh yeah we are totally Team Alice and Jasper Fans!).
Brice didn’t stop there! He made me breakfast the next morning, bought me a cake, and told Northstar they could shove it while he took me out to dinner! It meant the world to me!

On top of Everything we have some other BIG news: We Moved to North Carolina! At the first of July we packed everything we had, I quit my job, and we moved with Northstar out to the BEAUTIFUL Queen City for the remainder of the summer! It is beautiful and green and the people are so sweet!

In an effort to get more sales and make more money Northstar combined two of the offices and luckily enough we were combined with Durstin and Shantel’s (Brices brother and sister-in-law) so we enjoyed our time with them.
It has really been a Summer of Learning! I really don’t know where I wouldn’t have had the Northstar girls! Between learning how to be a cute Housewife, how make fabric flowers, building a testimony, and how to make some AMAZING food, and who could forget GLITTER TOES!

It has been such a blast! I am going to miss these girls SO much…especially since were moving to UTAH!!!!
After everything that has happened…My car breaking down, paying $1,500.00 to get my car out of the shop, Brices car being towed, more car problems, job issues…we have been walking on egg shells just waiting for a answer to our prayers.
It was a couple Saturdays ago that we were out to lunch and I finally just said the question that had been going through my mind everyday for a while, “Why don’t we move to Utah?” Brice laughed and then looked at me with that sparkle in his eye that I have missed so much and then we just made plans from there.

Things have fallen into place, we have a basement apartment in Sandy, we both have great job offers, and for the first time, in forever, we are financially stable. Things are finally working for us!

Well, I hope to keep you posted on our Big Road Trip starting this Friday, not to mention the wedding that is in 19 DAYS!!! Its safe to say that Brice and I have been in the bottom of that hole called despair and thanks to our faith, each other, and our families we have made a bounding leap that has brought us back to were we want to be. I cant wait to continue writing this story with him!

Love you all and wish you well,
Team Hooley!!!

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